Human Rights Policy

Formulated October 1, 2020
Revised April 19, 2021

As a Group that supports people's lives and lifestyles, the YAMADA HOLDINGS Group considers respect for human rights to be an integral part of satisfying its social responsibilities. All of the Group's executives and employees support international human rights standards and implement initiatives aimed at promoting mutual respect for each other's dignity and individuality. We have created the YAMADA HOLDINGS Human Rights Policy to serve as a roadmap as we meet these commitments.

1. Responsibility to respect human rights

The YAMADA HOLDINGS Group supports and complies with international human rights standards such as the International Bill of Human Rights and the ILO's Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. Furthermore, in accordance with the U.N.'s Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, we strive to satisfy our responsibility to respect human rights throughout all of our business activities. We eliminate discrimination on the grounds of race, nationality, gender, religion, and all other grounds in all of our dealings with stakeholders, and we respect the dignity and individuality of all individuals. We provide safe and healthy working environments, respect freedom of association, and prohibit all inhumane activities, including the use of child labor or forced labor. Through these actions, we promote respect for human rights.

2. Scope and position of this policy

This policy applies to the executives and employees of the YAMADA HOLDINGS Group. All other parties that we deal with during the course of our business activities, including our business partners, must also comply with this policy. In accordance with the corporate philosophy of YAMADA HOLDINGS, this policy is considered to complement the YAMADA HOLDINGS Code of CSR Ethics.

3. Legal and regulatory compliance

We comply with all the laws and regulations of the countries and regions in which we conduct business. Furthermore, in the event of conflicts between internationally recognized human rights and the laws or regulations of individual countries or regions, we seek out methods that will enable us to respect international human rights principles.

4. Ongoing human rights due diligence

The YAMADA HOLDINGS Group has established a human rights due diligence framework and uses it to identify, assess, and prevent or mitigate negative impacts on human rights. In order to effectively deal with human rights risks and issues impacting human rights, we have created processes for verifying the effectiveness of measures and countermeasures on an ongoing basis and for disclosing the results of our verification activities.

5. Remedies

If it becomes apparent that activities by the YAMADA HOLDINGS Group have had a negative impact on human rights, or the Group has been involved in an activity that has had a negative impact on human rights, we will take appropriate action to address and remedy the issue.

6. Education

This policy is reflected in the business activities of the YAMADA HOLDINGS Group. We conduct appropriate training and awareness-raising activities to ensure that the policy is understood and effectively implemented by all employees.

7. Dialogue and discussion

We engage in dialogue and discussion with all related stakeholders regarding how to deal with latent and actual impacts on human rights issues.

8. Disclosure of information

We share information regarding the status of our human rights initiatives on our website and through reports.