Health and Safety at Work

Based on the idea that maintaining and improving a healthy and safe work environment and promoting health for all employees forms the basis of the Company’s survival, the YAMADA HOLDINGS Group works to ensure health and safety at work, creates a comfortable work environment, facilitates job performance and improved productivity, and manages employee health.

System to Promote Health and Safety at Work

YAMADA HOLDINGS and YAMADA DENKI have established a Health and Safety Committee chaired by managers and held once a month at all business sites. The committee also sets a theme for the year (based on important matters and matters for consultation). Activities and discussions take place around the monthly theme with the results submitted to and managed by the labor section at headquarters.

Main Initiatives to Prevent Accidents at Work

YAMADA HOLDINGS and YAMADA DENKI have determined priority issues to reduce the number of accidents in the workplace, and are taking various measures, including monitoring and managing work-related accidents. In order to eliminate risks that lead to serious injury etc., the Group has been working to prevent recurrences by preparing unsafe incident reports and examining individual cases. Moreover, in the event of an emergency, such as an earthquake or fire, the Group carries out disaster prevention drills at the headquarters and at each store, and posters are displayed at every store to ensure an appropriate initial response while securing the safety of its customers. In the event of an accident at work, the Group is obliged to put measures in place at the store concerned and with all relevant parties to prevent the accident from ever happening again. YAMADA DENKI has set a goal of a frequency rate of accidents that require time off work of 0.50 or less. In fiscal 2023, this rate was 0.69.
In addition, YAMADA HOMES conducts safety patrols and provides training, including for subcontractors. YAMADA HOLDINGS will strive to improve levels of safety management throughout the Group.

Main Initiatives to Prevent Accidents at Work

Health Management and Mental Health

YAMADA HOLDINGS and YAMADA DENKI provide awareness and guidance on health management and mental health so that employees can make the most of their abilities and engage in their jobs. In terms of physical health, the Group carries out regular health checks for the purpose of preventing lifestyle-related diseases, and carries out specific health guidance based on the results. With regard to mental health, the Group conducts stress tests based on laws and regulations, and works to reduce the risk of mental illness by raising awareness of employees’ own levels of stress. YAMADA DENKI also invites occupational health physicians to conduct mental health training twice a year for store managers. Moreover, the Group has established a consultation desk (toll free number) in cooperation with a medical institution so that employees can talk to someone if they need to. Furthermore, in order to gain the right knowledge about mental health and how to handle any issues in case of emergency, life-care training is being provided to employees in managerial roles from occupational health physicians.

Main Initiatives to Prevent Accidents at Work
Percentage of Stress Tests and Health Checkups Taken
FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Percentage of health checkups taken 93.0 93.8 97.9
Percentage of stress tests taken 92.3 92.7 93.2

* Data from YAMADA HOLDINGS and its major operating companies from the fiscal year ended March 2021.