Risk Management

As well as identifying various risks related to its business activities and implementing appropriate countermeasures, the YAMADA HOLDINGS Group shares necessary information to mitigate and prevent any risks from materializing.

Promotion System

Every month YAMADA HOLDINGS holds the Risk Management Committee, chaired by the General Manager of the Human Resources and General Affairs Division, to build a risk management system that includes every Group company. The content of discussions from these committee meetings is also reported back to the Board of Directors. The Risk Management Basic Rules have been established as a system for preventing risks and as a means for addressing any risks that have arisen. Each division operates in accordance with these rules. In terms of information security, a personal information protection policy and an information security basic policy have been formulated in order to properly manage customers’ personal information. The Security Committee (held once a month), chaired by the Head of the DX Innovation Promotion Office, makes every effort in terms of information security by identifying any information security risks both internally and externally, formulating countermeasures and reporting progress.

System to Promote Compliance and Risk Management Committees

Responding to Major Risks in Business Activities

The YAMADA HOLDINGS Group has set out the risks that may have a significant impact on its business results and financial position, and measures to mitigate these risks.

Major Risks and Countermeasures

Major Risks and Countermeasures

Emergency BCP Measures

YAMADA HOLDINGS established Business Continuity Plan (BCP) management rules in May 2020 in preparation for largescale disasters, etc., and regularly reviews and revises these rules. A system has been established to minimize damage in the event of an emergency, with for example, setting up an emergency management HQ at headquarters and appointing people to share information at each business site.