
The YAMADA HOLDINGS Group positions compliance as one of the most important management issues, and recognizes that, as a corporate citizen, not only legal compliance, but also compliance with social norms is essential. By practicing the YAMADA HOLDINGS Group Code of Conduct which serves as an action guideline for realizing the Group’s management philosophy, we are making all of our employees more aware about the issue of compliance and we are working to establish and thoroughly ensure compliance is carried out.

Compliance Promotion System

YAMADA HOLDINGS has established a Compliance Committee, chaired by the director in charge, to ensure thorough compliance throughout the Group. At the monthly Compliance Committee meeting, the status of compliance management at each Group company is confirmed to identify any problems and discuss improvement measures. The Group is also striving to improve its compliance system through various subcommittee topics. Compliance committees are also held once a month at Group companies to exchange opinions and to hold study sessions on issues arising from each company. Content from all committee discussions is reported to the Board of Directors as required with information shared and any appropriate measures taken.

Compliance Promotion System

Compliance Promotion System

Compliance Subcommittee Topics (FY2023)

Compliance Promotion System

Compliance Training

YAMADA HOLDINGS holds compliance training to further promote understanding of topics under discussion. Every year, the Legal Office selects topics that are strongly related to the work of the Group. In the training for fiscal 2023, we worked to improve specific knowledge in cooperation with the SDGs Promotion Department, SPA Product Department, and Security Management Department. We are also working to improve the content of the training by using questionnaires. In addition, we provided online learning tools to support voluntary training by employees, and held study sessions for compliance officers of Group companies that are highly relevant to each topic. The Merchandise Department holds training as and when needed to learn correct store management and gain knowledge based on the basic principles of legal compliance.

Internal Whistle-Blowing System

In order to prevent compliance violations, including on matters related to harassment, discrimination, and human rights, the YAMADA HOLDINGS Group operates an internal whistle-blowing system by setting up a point of contact as a means to receive reports from inside and outside the Company. Every effort is being made to protect whistle-blowers based on the Rules on the Internal Whistle-Blowing System so that any person may be able to come forward anonymously. The number of reports received, case summaries, results of responses to the reports, and progress of any reports not yet fully addressed are summarized and regularly reported to the Board of Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board. 173 whistle-blowing reports were received in the fiscal year ended March 2023 and all reports were properly dealt with.

Antisocial Forces

The YAMADA HOLDINGS Group has established its Basic Policy on Antisocial Forces and is developing a system in collaboration with external specialist agencies and police authorities to deal with antisocial forces.